Open Public Records Act (OPRA) Requests

There are three types of record requests that we receive: records checks, attorney requests, and Open Public Record Act (OPRA) requests.

Find which request type is appropriate for your needs! Follow the instructions below each heading to submit your request to the right party.

Records Checks

The Morris County Sheriff’s Office Warrants Section accepts requests from Military and Law Enforcement Agencies for record checks.

Civilians requesting record checks are required to contact the New Jersey State Police at 609-882-2000 Ext. 2878.

Military and Law Enforcement Agencies requesting record checks should provide a signed Authorization Release Form in addition to agency letter on letterhead to include the following information:

  • The individual’s name, full social security number and date of birth
  • The requestor’s phone number, email address and fax number

For Military and Law Enforcement Agencies requesting record checks, please scan and email your request to or fax it to 973-285-6682.

Any questions regarding Military and Law Enforcement Agency record checks should be directed to the Morris County Sheriff’s Office Warrants Section Main Line at 973-285-6640.

If you are looking to verify employment, please call Morris County Personnel at 973-285-6103.

Attorney Requests

The Morris County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Section (CSI) accepts report and photograph requests from Attorneys admitted to practice law in the state of New Jersey.

If you are not an Attorney and are looking for a copy of reports, please contact the town in which the incident occurred.

Attorneys who wish to obtain a copy of Morris County Sheriff’s Office CSI reports or photographs must submit an Attorney Request form in addition to a letter written on official law office letterhead depicting the records you are looking to procure.

The letter should include the following information:

  • The MCSO CSI case number (if available)
  • The town case number (if available)
  • Incident/crime type
  • Location of incident/crime
  • Date of incident/crime
  • The name of the individual or party you are representing
  • A specific description of your request

For your convenience, this office has made the Attorney Request form available online.

Fill out our Attorney Request Form

Once the request is received, a member of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office CSI will be in contact with you. All requests are subject to an approval process which includes authorization from both the town that the incident occurred in, as well as the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office (if involved). The Morris County Sheriff’s Office reserves the right to deny requests. This approval process can be circumvented with the production of a court ordered subpoena.

While the form can be completed online, the letter must be attached.

If you have obtained a subpoena, all (3) three items must be sent together.

You may also mail, fax, or e-mail the printable version of the form(PDF, 166KB) (please link attachment to form) to:

Crime Scene Investigation Section
Morris County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
Fax: 973-285-6657

Open Public Records Act (OPRA) Requests

The New Jersey Public Records Act (N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1, et. seq.) provides that certain government records shall be made available to the public for inspection, examination, and copying.

Citizens who wish to obtain government records must file a records request with the Custodian of Records. This is accomplished by completing a form available at the sheriff’s office. For your convenience, we have also made the form available online.

Fill out our OPRA Form

The procedure for obtaining government records is fairly straightforward, however, it is important to note that in order for your request to be processed, you will be required to provide an accurate description for each record sought.

The form can be completed online. You may also mail, fax or e-mail the printable version of the form(PDF, 287KB) to:

Custodian of Records
Morris County Sheriff’s Office
P.O. Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07963-0900
Fax: 973-605-8312