Tri-Boro VFW in Butler Receiving Morris County Grant
Published on May 27, 2022
Morris County Announces Award in Honor of Memorial Day
The Morris County Board of County Commissioners personally delivered a letter this week notifying officials at the George P. Siek Tri-Boro Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 8096 in Butler they are cleared for a $13,755 grant.
The award is being issued through the Morris County Small Business Grant Program, which was set up this year to provide grants to small businesses and nonprofits, such as the VFW Post, for expenses to the pandemic. Commissioner Deputy Director John Krickus delivered a letter yesterday notifying the VFW its grant application was approved.
“We passed a resolution last night authorizing the funds, and a check will be forwarded. We wanted to do this before Memorial Day,” said Deputy Director Krickus, who served in the United States Marine Corps.
The letter was presented to the VFW leadership, including Doug Fritsch, Tom McDonald and Daniel O’Dougherty, in front of the post’s Carey Road headquarters. Butler Mayor Ryan Martinez also was in attendance. He had urged the VFW to apply for the grant when he learned of Morris County’s program.
“Thank you very much. We really could use it. With the pandemic and everything, the escalating price of our insurance, trying to stay afloat hasn’t been easy,” said McDonald.
“This is appreciated. It was really needed,” added Mayor Martinez.
The Tri-Boro Post 8096 was honored by the Morris County Commissioners last October on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary. It was initially established on Sept. 14, 1946 by veterans from Butler Township and Kinnelon Borough in Morris
County and Bloomingdale Borough in Passaic County.
The post was named in honor of George P. Siek, who had lived in Butler prior entering the United States Naval Reserves and being killed in action in World War II. The VFW Post has been a center for civic and patriotic efforts over the years, from honoring veterans on occasions such as Memorial Day to issue scholarships annually to students who enter the national VFW’s “Patriot’s Pen” contest.
Top Right: Commissioner Deputy Director Krickus (left) discusses the grant award and announcement letter with (l-r) Mayor Ryan Martinez and VFW Post 8096 leaders Daniel O’Dougherty, Tom McDonald and Doug Fritsch.
Center Left: VFW leaders read through the grant letter.
Bottom Right: Posing in front of the VFW Post 8096 with grant letter (l-r) Commissioner Deputy Director John Krickus, Mayor Ryan Martinez, VFW Post 8096 leaders Daniel O’Dougherty, Tom McDonald and Doug Fritsch.