Statement by the Morris County Board of Freeholders on the Passing of Rockaway Township Mayor Michael Dachisen

Published on August 16, 2018

The Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders offer their deepest sympathy to the family of Rockaway Township Mayor Michael Dachisen, who regrettably passed away this week.(JPG, 125KB)

Mayor Dachisen served with honor, showing a passion for the needs of his town's residents and working tirelessly on their behalf during two decades as a township councilman, council president, and then as mayor.

He was a very dedicated public servant who loved his hometown and who always put the interests of Rockaway Township residents foremost.

He will be missed by his colleagues at town hall and by residents of the township and the Morris County community, to whom he offered his wisdom, knowledge, and tireless efforts to making Rockaway Township and Morris County a great place to live and raise a family.

The freeholders regret Mike's passing and offer our condolences to his family. A good friend to our county, he will be missed.

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