Published on December 20, 2018
New Data On Income, Housing, Education, Commuting Habits, Health Insurance, Unemployment and More
The U.S. Census Bureau recently released its 2013-2017 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates, which include a wealth of demographic data for all of the municipalities in the nation -- including Morris County.(PNG, 19KB)
The 2013-2017 ACS includes estimates for various topics, including income, educational attainment, housing and transportation. Updated information specifically for Morris County has been posted on the Morris County Office of Planning and Preservation's Data and Statistics page.
Take a look. Dig in. Have fun, and learn some interesting facts about where you live and work and go to school.
Here is a sampling of what you will find (thank you to Morris County Senior Planner Kevin Sitlick). All ranges below are for municipalities in Morris County as reported by the 2013-2017 ACS unless stated otherwise: