Shake Up New Business at Social Media Summit

Published on May 03, 2018

Morris Chamber offers experts at May 15 event

Shake up your social marketing strategy at the Morris County Chamber of Commerce's Social Media Summit on May 15 from 8 to 11:30 a.m. in Mountain Lakes. The half-day event invites business owners to hear fresh ideas, case studies, how to ideas and best practices from experts with proven track records of using social media to drive measurable growth and return on investment.

Moderating the panel of social media engagement experts will be Donna Miller, event chair and president of C3Workplace.

Pam Ann Aungst, president of Pam Ann Marketing and Founder of Stealth Search & Analytics. Pam is an award-winning business leader who helps brands take their traffic-driving analytics strategies to the next level. Hear how Sprout Social name her a Twitter Success Story for using social media to build her company and establish herself as a thought leader with 10,000+ followers.

Kris Holland, founder and owner of Black River Landscape Management. Kris is the founder and driving force behind an elite outdoor living service providing ground maintenance, landscape construction and snow removal services. Learn how he drove $750,000 in new business directly from his social media strategy.

Lisa Rangel, founder and CEO of Chameleon Resumes and LinkedIn paid moderator and official blog writer. In less than a decade, Lisa grew her resume writing and job-search coaching firm from a "solopreneur" to a global enterprise by leveraging social media. Discover how she helps high achieving corporate job seekers find their dream job using savvy social media strategies to build their personal brand.

The event includes breakfast, networking, Ask the Experts, panel discussion and raffle.

Register by May 13 on the Chamber website or by emailing Register by May 8 for a chance to win 2 United Airline Tickets for economy round-trip travel in the Continental US, Canada, Central America and Caribbean. The cost of the event is $45. For more information about the chamber, visit

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