Roxbury High School: National Art Honor Society Leaves Mark at RHS

Published on March 30, 2018

The Roxbury High School National Art Honor Society recently completed a Lady Liberty Flag mural that was installed in the History/Social Studies hallway at Roxbury High School.

photo of (l/r) James Sullivan, Michelle Lad, Rebecca Weng, and Hannah Rohn at Roxbury High School with the flag mural(PNG, 8MB) (l/r) James Sullivan, Michelle Lad, Rebecca Weng, and Hannah Rohn at Roxbury High School with the flag mural

It all began at the end of the last school year with the supervisor of those departments looking for something to fill the space near the plaques and memorial that were relocated there from the main lobby, explained Nancy Valenta, Visual Arts Teacher and NAHS Advisor.

After researching images and some discussion between myself, members of the NAHS art club, and then supervisor Patti Sikorski, we decided on a final image.

Many students from the club worked on the project with the club officers taking charge.

Juniors James Sullivan, Michelle Lad, Rebecca Weng, and Hannah Rohn were responsible for most of the painting, adding the details and finishing touches to Lady Liberty.

"This is just another example of the talented young men and women who live and go to school in Morris County. Nice job students!'' said Morris County Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo, who is a former mayor and councilwoman in Roxbury.

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