Rockaway Twp. Bridge -- One Lane Closed and Bridge to be Replaced

Published on November 29, 2018

A well-traveled county bridge on Chestnut Terrace in Rockaway Township, over the North End of Fox Pond (Parks Lake), has had one lane shut down, with plans being developed for a full bridge replacement in 2019, after a visual inspection of the span this week turned up some settlement in the roadway.

Photo shows steel plate inserted over settled portion of the roadway (JPG, 2MB) Photo shows steel plate inserted over settled portion of the roadway

A county engineer found several severely deteriorated beams, promtping the county to immediately install a steel plate over the area that settled. Vehicular access was reduced to one lane to keep vehicles off the damaged portion. Signs have been installed to allow for alternating traffic, with pavement markings to be added to more clearly define the site for motorists

Rockaway Township Police and the Township Engineer were notified, as were Rockaway Borough Police. The county is working with both police departments on the traffic situation, including a look at possible temporary signalization, if warranted.

Photo shows deterioration on underside of bridge (JPG, 2MB) Photo shows deterioration on underside of bridge

Chestnut Terrace bridge -- or County Bridge No. 1400-889 -- was constructed in 1971, and the superstructure was replaced in 1990. The overall length is 18 feet and the deck width is 39 feet. Average daily traffic is approximately 2,000 vehicles per day. It is a short distance from Mt, Hope Road.

The bridge is a a single-span structure comprised of 18 steel stringers. The stringers support a concrete-filled, corrugated metal pan deck with an asphalt overlay. The substructure consists of concrete abutments and wingwalls. There are steel pipe railings at each fascia.

Due to the age of the bridge, a full replacement is considered the most prudent response to the deterioration. The county draft a request for proposals (RFP) to get a design for a new span done quickly.

The goal is to get the design within 60 days of contract award and to bid construction in March of 2019. Construction is likely to start in the spring, when concrete work can be done in more favorable temperatures.

Map showing locaytion of the bridge(JPG, 171KB) Map shows location of the bridge

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