Register Now for Community Soup Kitchen Walk Oct. 14

Published on September 23, 2018

5K Pledge Walk Draws 1,000 for Fun-Filled Afternoon

Bring your family, friends (and even your dog!) to the 22nd annual Hunger Walk to benefit the Community Soup Kitchen on Sunday, Oct. 14 in Morristown.

Join 1,000 fellow walkers in the 5K pledge walk. For more information and to register, click here. The fun-filled day starts at 1 p.m. with registration at 36 South Street, Morristown. The walk starts at 1:30 p.m.

The Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center provides nutritious meals in a warm, safe and caring environment, free of charge, no questions asked, to anyone who comes seeking nourishment. As part of their hospitality, organizers also encourage and assist guests in accessing community resources, services and educational programs. The project is an ecumenical effort supported by 34 congregations in the greater Morristown area.

Thank you to all of the hard working and caring people who are working to deal with the issue of hunger in Morris County,'' said Morris County Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo, who is the county governing board's liaison on human services issues. We encourage all county residents to join them on Sunday's Hunger Walk.''

In 2016, CSK served more than 75,000 breakfasts and lunches and also provided more than 475,000 pounds of food for their guests to take home. But that's just the beginning! Providing a breakfast and a noon-time meal allows their Outreach Center the unique opportunity to connect with guests to offer:

  • Mental health counseling
  • Substance abuse outreach
  • Outreach to veterans
  • Employment counseling and an Annual Job Fair
  • Housing and daily living assistance such as accessing food stamps
  • Nursing consultations and health screenings
  • Emergency assistance for food, clothing and basic necessities
  • English as a Second Language classes and translation services

CSK's Free Farmer's Markets provide fresh fruit, vegetables, dairy items and meat for guests to take home three times a week. With a generous grant from the Fannie E. Rippel Foundation, the soup kitchen rescues produce from Trader Joe's, Whole Foods Market, Stop & Shop and local farms. Many mothers with young children come each week to pick up fresh items to cook healthy meals for their families.

Your participation will help our homeless and working poor neighbors, 365 days a year. Students who participate will earn 4 hours of community service.

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