REMINDER Morris County Veterans and Families: Free Veterans Legal Clinic and Benefits Expo on Friday

Published on April 25, 2018


A free Morris County Veterans Legal Clinic and Resources Expo will be held this Friday, April 27 at the Morristown Municipal Building, hosted by the Morris County Veterans' Services Office and the Morris County Bar Foundation, in cooperation with the Town of Morristown.

(PNG, 32KB)The clinic/expo will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the town hall at 200 South Street in Morristown, on the third floor senior citizens room.

The event is open to veterans, current service members, and dependents from all 39 Morris County municipalities, who €“ in addition to free legal service -- can get questions answered, guidance on issues of concern, and pick up key information on a variety of important issues to our military veterans of all ages.

Included are health care services, VA claims assistance, job search assistance, Morris County ID cards and much more.

We urge our veterans to take advantage of this program to help ensure they are aware of services offered by the county, VA, and nonprofit agencies specifically geared to them,'' said Freeholder Director Doug Cabana. Our veterans have done so much for us, so we want to make sure we do our best to help them in their civilian lives.''

We at the Morris County Bar Foundation seek to use our legal skills and training for the betterment of our Morris County Community, and we are grateful for the opportunity to serve our veterans as they have served us,'' said Jennifer McAndrew Vuotto, Past President of the Morris County Bar Foundation.(PNG, 5KB)

The following services/resources will be available for veterans:

  • Attorneys will provide a free legal consultation on mortgages, foreclosures, divorce, bankruptcy, driver's license restoration, child support and wills. (This is a walk-in clinic; consultations last up to 20 minutes.)
  • Morris County Veterans Services Office will provide information on filing claims with the VA, and other services available to veterans.
  • VA Healthcare will offer information about its system, explaining eligibility and enrollment requirements.
  • The NJ Department of Labor will be on hand to provide resume reviews, interview assistance, and more job-related help.
  • Zufall Dental will offer information about discounted dental services for veterans, and make appoints for their mobile dental unit.
  • The Morris County Clerk's Office will issue Morris County Veterans ID Cards to honorably discharged veterans.
    Note: veterans seeking the county ID card must bring their DD-214 and a picture ID showing Morris County residency
  • (JPG, 18KB)Morris County Office of Aging and Disabilities will discuss assistance programs available through their office.

Free coffee and donuts will be served.

There also will be some transportation available for veterans to get to and from the clinic/expo. To arrange a ride, call 973.829.8103.

For more information on this event or veterans services in general, visit: or contact Veterans Services at (973) 285-6866, Ken Brenzel at

This event is brought to you by the Morris County Bar Foundation and the Morris County Veterans Services Office, with the generous cooperation of the Town of Morristown.

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