Navigating Hope Mobile Social Services -- Stops in Six Morris Towns Upcoming
Published on September 16, 2019
Morris County's mobile social-services-center-on-wheels, Navigating Hope, is offering services to residents across Morris County, with a scheduled that will take it to eight locations in six Morris County towns over the next three weeks.
(JPG, 10MB) Navigating Hope and Hope One teams, with Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo, outside the Flanders Shop-Rite last week
Navigating Hope's runs frequently are coordinated with the Morris County Sheriff's Hope One van, which provides mobile mental health and addiction services across the county. The two programs provide complimentary services that may benefit to residents at various locations.
Navigating Hope, along with Hope One, embraces the county's Stigma-Free initiative, fostering assistance and treatment for county residents in need,'' said Morris County Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo, liaison to the county's Human Services agencies.
"Navigating Hope is about social justice, dignity and respect. It provides access to resources that our neighbors may not know exists, and will offer face-to-face support and engagement. It is also about community coming together to serve community,'' said Family Promise Executive Director Joann Bjornson.
(JPG, 11MB) (l/r) Morristown Councilwoman Alison Deeb, Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo, Ashley Reed of Family Promise, and Antonella McGee of the Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance with Navigating Hope and Hope One at the Morristown Mental Health & Wellness Expo
Stops through Oct. 5 include locations in Dover, Morristown, Mt. Arlington, Mount Olive, Rockaway Borough and Washington Township (see list below).
- Sept. 19, Relay for Recovery on the Morristown Green;
- Sept. 23, QuickChek, 25 W. Main St., Rockaway Borough;
- Sept. 24, Homeless Solutions, 31 Drakestown Road, Washington Township;
- Sept. 26, Trinity Soup Kitchen, 123 E. Blackwell St. Dover;
- Sept. 29, Morristown Festival on the Morristown Green;
- Sept. 30, Community Soup Kitchen, 36 South St., Morristown;
- Oct. 3, Mt. Arlington Center, 310-324 Howard Blvd., Mt. Arlington;
- Oct. 5, Morris County Head Start Health Fair, 18 Thompson Ave, Dover.
Check out the Navigating Hope calendar for any additions or changes.
Check out the Hope One calendar for its upcoming stops.
The new mobile service offers on-site benefits eligibility screenings and application assistance, plus linkage to other community services. It is a partnership between the Morris County Department of Human Services and Family Promise of Morris County.
Navigating Hope assists applicants who would have difficulty visiting either the county Morristown or Dover offices. It visits many of Hope One's regular stops, such as supermarkets, libraries, churches, train stations and shopping malls, among others.
- EITC (tax credits)
- WIC (nutritional assistance)
- Aging services
- Domestic violence services
- Veterans services
- Health & wellness services
- Legal services
- Mental health
- Transportation
For more information on scheduling and events, contact the Navigating Hope team: Phone: 973-829-8220 or Email:
For more information on Hope One, visit:
Navigating Hope and Hope One are proud to support the Morris County Stigma-Free Communities Initiative.