Morris Roads: Route 202 Overnight Lane Closures for Resurfacing Begins Tonight in Morristown

Published on August 27, 2018


Resurfacing of about one mile of Route 202/Speedwell Avenue in both directions in downtown Morristown will begin tonight, with overnight lane closures expected, the New Jersey Department of Transportation announced this afternoon.

Speedwell Avenue photo shows road deterioration(JPG, 499KB)The work will take place between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. each day, and continuing nightly until the project is complete.

The NJDOT's contractor, Schifano Construction, is scheduled to close up to two lanes of Route 202 and shift traffic in both directions between North Park Place Road and Frederick Street for milling and paving work.

The project, according to NJ DOT, is designed to minimize impacts to traffic and maintain one lane of traffic in both directions at all times.

In addition to milling and paving, the $420,000 million dollar state-funded project includes rebuilding stormwater manholes and inlets, and the installation of traffic signal cameras. The project is expected to be complete by the end of the week.

Marty Epstein, owner of Marty's Reliable Cycle in Morristown and founder of the Gran Fondo cycling event scheduled for Morristown on the weekend of Sept. 8-9, last week told the county freeholders that he was grateful the resurfacing project would be dobe prior to the showcase cycling event, which will draw 2,400 riders to downtown Morristown.

Construction signs are being utilized to provide notification to the motoring public of all traffic pattern changes associated with the work. NJDOT will provide more information before any lane closures are scheduled.

The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT's traffic information website for construction updates and real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info or on the NJDOT Facebook page.

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