Morris Prosecutor: Forum on Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus at Drew on Oct. 21

Published on October 17, 2019

Drew University Hosts Event on Monday; All Are Welcome

Addressing and Preventing Campus Sexual Violence is the topic of a presentation Monday, Oct. 21, by the Morris County Prosecutor's Office and Morris County Coalition for Campus Sexual & Relationship Violence.

Morris County Prosecutor's Office seal

Briefings by law enforcement and community and campus experts will cover tips on how to prevent and report incidents of sexual violence on college campuses.

The community forum is part of the New Jersey Office of the Attorney General's 2121 Community Policing Project.

Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp and Deputy Attorney General Bryn Whittle will provide opening remarks. Also participating are:

  • Meg Rodriguez, Supervising Morris County Assistant Prosecutor;
  • Alexis Rachel, Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Coordinator for the Morris County Prosecutors Office;
  • Frank Merckx, Drew University Vice President of Campus Life and Student Affairs and also Dean of Students;
  • Madelyn Reshefshy from JBWS (Jersey Battered Women's Service).

(PNG, 54KB)In addition, there will be representation from each of the colleges in county at the event as well.

The event will be held on the campus of Drew University at 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, in Learning Center Room #28. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the presentation will run from 7-9 p.m.

The event is free and all are welcome.

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