Morris Property Owners: Foresters to Discuss Pending Devastation of White Ash Trees
Published on March 26, 2018
(JPG, 10KB) Emerald Ash Borer is destroying white ash trees
It's nearly inconceivable that something smaller than the size of a penny has been responsible for the destruction of tens of thousands of ash trees across the United States. Yet the Emerald Ash Borer, a tiny green beetle that preys on this species of tree in 30 states, including Morris County, New Jersey, has done just that.
On Thursday, April 5 at 7 p.m. in the Whippanong Public Library in Hanover Township, Rosa Yoo, Regional Forester with the New Jersey Forest Service and the agency's Forest Health Specialist, will join Hanover Township Forester/Arborist Rich Wolowicz to give a free presentation open to Hanover Township residents and resident of all neighboring towns on the Emerald Ash Borer.
Among the topics they will cover are: How the Emerald Ash Borer kills trees, economic impact on property owners and government, available treatment options and the pros and cons of each, and timing of application to treat ash trees.
All homeowners who have ash trees on their property are urged to attend this important presentation to learn the options for treating healthy ash trees and dealing with an infestation. Without intervention, it is possible that within as little as three to five years, the ash trees that grace New Jersey's homes, communities, and forests may be gone.
To sign up for the program, please call the Whippanong Library at (973) 428-2460, or register on-line at