Morris Pet Owners: Four Towns to Hold Rabies Clinics in December

Published on November 27, 2019

Most Clinics Held Next Friday and Saturday -- Dec. 6-7

There is still the chance to get your pet vaccinated for rabies in Morris County in 2019, with four towns in Morris County set to host rabies clinics in December.(JPG, 19KB)

Rabies is an infectious disease caused by the rabies virus. Animals infected with rabies display strange behavior such as aggression, and signs of neurological impairment including vocalization, circling, and paralysis.

People who are bitten by, or have had contact with saliva from an animal should notify the local health department having jurisdiction where the animal is located and seek medical care.

Rabies clinics in the county will be held at the following locations:

December 2019 Rabies Clinics
Municipality Date Time Location Phone
Chester Twp Fri., Dec. 6 6-8 pm 61 Furnace Rd. 908-876-3650
Mountain Lakes Sat., Dec. 7 9€“10 am 400 Boulevard 973-334-3131
Rockaway Twp Sat., Dec. 7 9€“11 am 65 Mount Hope Rd. 973-983-2848
Mine Hill Sat., Dec. 14 10am €“12pm 10 Baker St. 973-366-9031
x 13

Visit the county Office of Health Management site for information on rabies, plus clinic times, addresses and contact phone numbers. Reach out to your town's health department if you don't see it on the list.

(PNG, 33KB)Animal experts say you should report confirmed or suspected cases of rabies immediately to your Local Health Department.

A directory of local health agencies is posted at or you can contact them through your local police departments in the event of an emergency.

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