Morris Parks: Hedden County Park Temporarily Closed Due to Negative Activities
Published on July 16, 2020
Morris Parks: Hedden County Park Temporarily Closed Due to Negative Activities
The Morris County Park Commission has announced the closing of Hedden County Park for two weeks due to negative activities by some park patrons, including dumping of trash, starting fires, alcohol use, and blocking waterways, among other issues.
(JPG, 397KB) Trash pile at Hedden County Park
Hedden County Park, located in Dover, Mine Hill, and Randolph, was closed starting on Tuesday, July 14, due to problems caused by badly behaving visitors. The 390-acre park, which features Hedden Pond and Jackson Brook, is scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, July 28.
Due to an increase of negative activities -- numerous campfires, trash discarded throughout park, burning of a trash dumpster, impeding the flow of Jackson Brook in order to create swimming holes, alcohol consumption without permits, and abuse of public restrooms, the Morris County Park Commission is closing the park,'' said Park Commision Executive Director David Helmer.
(JPG, 410KB) Dam created to block up Jackson Brook to create a swimming hole
The Park Commission informed officials in Dover, Mine Hill, and Randolph of the closure, and provided them with evidence to document their concerns. Morris County Park Police issued numerous summonses to violators.
Parks staff is now working to clean up the mess left by the poorly behaving park patrons.
(JPG, 606KB)
(JPG, 568KB) Evidence of numerous illegal campfires recently found in the park