Morris County Website Has a New Look
Published on March 01, 2021 has a look.
Morris County government launched a new, updated and reorganized website on March 1, combining 16 previously separate websites into one. The goal is for residents to easily find what they need from county government and get it done.
The site has a brand new design that's both pleasing to the eye and ADA-compliant. The typeface is more readable. We’ve rewritten the content to make it easier to understand, taking out the bureaucratic–speak and acronyms in favor of plain language.
Everything is organized by services. Users don’t need to know which department in the hierarchy of government administers the service. You can search by service in the prominent search bar on every page, such as signing up for SNAP benefits, getting a passport or registering to vote.
Many forms can be filled out online. Fewer paper forms are necessary.
“The redesign came from a need to make sure that people know about the services we offer and who to contact when they have a need,” said county digital media manager Jamie Klenetsky Fay, who spearheaded the project.
The Human Services site has the most changes.
“On the old site, we had information on Temporary Assistance, but we didn’t give people a way to apply. Now people can apply for cash assistance, Medicaid or SNAP online,” said Klenetsky Fay.
The redesigned layout gives step-by-step instructions on how to access social services and allows people to determine from the outset whether they are eligible. In some cases, they can apply right on the site, rather than having to make a phone call to apply. They will know up front what information they need at their fingertips for the application.
The redesign also ensures that information is current because the system is more user friendly, allowing staff members throughout the county to make changes more easily on their sites.
We hope it will make people more aware of the services we offer.