Morris County Streets: Boonton Boosts Pedestrian Safety

Published on January 29, 2018

Street Smart Campaign in Boonton Results in High Increase of Street Safety Awareness

(JPG, 72KB)TransOptions, the Town of Boonton, the Boonton Police Department, and numerous stakeholders, have completed their efforts to make pedestrian safety a priority in the Boonton community with another successful Street Smart Campaign in Morris County.

Following the roughly month-long campaign that combined education and enforcement techniques, new data shows that efforts to increase public awareness already have paid off in some changed behaviors:

  • A 39 percent reduction in pedestrians crossing midblock, or jaywalking;
  • An 11 percent reduction in pedestrians crossing against the traffic signal.
  • Public awareness of the Boonton Police Department's enforcement of pedestrian safety laws increased 56 percent;
  • Awareness of pedestrian safety-related advertising messages rose 50 percent;
  • Awareness of the Street Smart campaign's presence in Boonton during the month of October 2017 increased 63 percent.(JPG, 80KB)

Street Smart NJ is a public education, awareness and behavioral change campaign developed by the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA). Previous Street Smart efforts have been undertaken in Dover and Morristown in Morris County, and in nearby Hackettstown. Street Smart NJ has three main goals:

  • Change pedestrian and motorist behaviors to reduce the incidence of pedestrian injuries and fatalities;
  • Educate motorists and pedestrians about their roles and responsibilities for safely sharing the road;
  • Increase enforcement of pedestrian safety laws and roadway users' awareness of that effort.

(JPG, 63KB)After completing another Street Smart campaign and seeing an immediate impact on behaviors of people walking and driving, it's clear that Street Smart continues to be an effective program that makes our roads safer for all users,'' said Dan Callas, TransOptions' president.

Street Smart Boonton included 162 hours of pedestrian safety law enforcement by Boonton Police, as well as multiple educational outreach events coordinated by TransOptions. Street Smart messaging was displayed on tip cards, posters, banners, table tents, and street signs throughout the community.

TransOptions provided Street Smart materials and safe walking and driving information to senior citizens' groups, conducted a Ready to Walk and Roll program for 1st grade students at John Hill School, and conducted a Traffic Safety Town program at John Hill School to educate fourth grade students.

Boonton's walkability is one of its greatest assets. With all the distractions facing pedestrians and drivers, the Street Smart Boonton program helped educate the public and enforced the rules that will keep Boonton's greatest asset, its people, safe,'' said Boonton Mayor Matthew DiLauri. (JPG, 57KB)

Street Smart's check your vital signs slogan focuses on five safe practices to increase safety: use crosswalks, wait for the walk, stop for pedestrians, obey speed limits, and heads up phones down. The Boonton campaign survey found an increase in recognition of all of the vital sign messages:

  • Use Crosswalks: 61 percent increase
  • Wait for the Walk: 54 percent increase
  • Stop for Pedestrians: 56 percent increase
  • Obey Speed Limits: 45 percent increase
  • Heads Up, Phones Down: 38 percent increase

Boonton Police secured funding for overtime enforcement through a Federal Highway Safety Grant awarded by the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety.

For more information on Street Smart and to view the final report for Boonton, visit, or call TransOptions at (973) 267-7600.

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