Morris County Prevention Forum for Parents and Youths on November 28

Published on November 20, 2017

Addiction: From Risk to Recovery'' is the topic of the Nov. 28th annual Morris County Prevention Forum for both parents and youths from throughout Morris County.

Concerned mother and father hugging their teenage daughterThe forum, co-sponsored by the Morris County Department of Human Services and the Community Coalition for a Safe and Healthy Morris, will take an in-depth look at addictions, defining the problem and exploring solutions.

Parenting in today's world can be an enormously frightening task. Between the ever changing drug trends and today's skyrocketing opiate epidemic, it can leave parents and communities feeling overwhelmed,'' said Morris County Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo. We strongly encourage parents and youths to jointly attend what we hope will be a very helpful event.''

The purpose of this forum is to discuss how to change attitudes and eliminate the stigma surrounding addiction and mental illness, to encourage people in need to get treatment that can help lead towards recovery.

Local experts Glenn Duncan, Executive Director of the Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program and Pat Aussem from the Partnership for Drug Free Kids will discuss current drug trends, warning signs, how to confront problems, explore effective communications techniques for parents, youths and families; and provide resources and tools to help us change the way we fight the war on addiction.

The forum will take place from 5-9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at the Meadow Wood Manor in Randolph.

The event is free but seating is limited, so if you plan to attend, please respond by Nov. 24 at: or visit the Human Services website at

Please call 973-285-6867 is you have questions.

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