Morris County Police Executives and Sheriff Receive NJSACOP Certifications

Published on September 26, 2019

Certification Rewards High Training and Leadership Standards

The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police certification status has been granted this month to seven deserving police executives, including police chiefs and officers from Pequannock, Chatham Borough, and Mount Olive, as well as Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon.

To attain certification status, command executives and police chiefs must show they have maintained high training and leadership standards. Each applicant below recently underwent peer reviews conducted by the NJSACOP Accredited Chief/Command Executive Program and has successfully earned the following designations:

ACE-COP Advanced:

  • Pequannock Township Chief Brian Spring
  • Chatham Borough Chief Brian Gibbons
  • Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon


  • Berkley Heights Chief John DiPasquale


  • West Orange Captain William Varanelli
  • Belleville Captain Nicholas Breiner
  • Mount Olive Captain Michael S. Spitzer

Pequannock Chief Brian Spring, Mount Olive Captain Michael Spitzer, and Belleville Captain Nicholas Breiner received their second certification status, meeting standards set by the New Jersey State Chiefs of Police for the past six years.

Sheriff James M. Gannon

Morris County Sheriff James Gannon is the first sheriff in New Jersey to be certified through NJSACOP.

The NJSACOP certification program encourages law enforcement executives to attain sanctioned benchmarks in pursuit of a recommended standard for police leadership.

NJSACOP ACE Chairman, Chief Stephen Beecher said it is the policy of the NJSACOP to promote professional competence, continued education career development among all members of law enforcement. To achieve this goal, the NJSACOP encourages current, future and retired chiefs and police executives to participate in the ACE Certification Program.

The NJSACOP is a professional membership organization serving New Jersey's law enforcement and private security executives.

Its core mission is to promote and enhance the highest ethical and professional standards in law enforcement at all levels throughout New Jersey. For more information visit

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