Morris County Master Gardener Program Now Accepting Applications

Published on June 15, 2017


photo showing shovel digging into garden(JPEG, 39KB)The Rutgers Master Gardener program of Morris County is now accepting applications for its next class, which begins in September of 2017.

Anyone with an interest in gardening and a commitment to volunteer service can become a Rutgers Master Gardener. No previous education or training in horticulture is required.

Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who assist the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station through the Morris County Cooperative Extension Service in its mission to deliver horticulture programs and information to the public.

Volunteers learn to diagnose common plant and pest problems, suggest appropriate cultural practices and advise as to the best care for the home landscape and garden. Once trained, they can provide assistance with home gardening questions to residents of Morris County.Master Garden logo shows hand holding a plant with map of NJ in the background(JPG, 7KB)

They handle only "non-commercial" community gardening questions.

For more information about the program, please visit For an application or questions about the program, please contact Dave Los at 973.285.8307 or e-mail

Morris County residents seeking gardening assistance can call the Master Gardener service at 973.285.8305.

photo showing row of growing plants(JPG, 13KB)To get the most accurate diagnosis, there are a few simple questions you should be prepared to answer before you call.

Plant Problems:

  • What is the reason you need a diagnosis?
  • If known, what is name of the plant; if not known what type (tree, shrub, perennial)?
  • Does the plant produce flowers or fruit?
  • Where is the plant located? Is location sunny or shady, wet or dry?
  • How long has plant been in its current location?
  • What chemicals or fertilizers have been used? Is mulch used?
  • Inspect entire plant for symptoms, problems can be more complex then they first appear
  • When did symptoms first appear?

Insect Pests:

  • Are pests just a nuisance or are they causing harm to people or property?
  • Where is highest concentration of pests?
  • When did pest first appear?
  • Describe pest (size, wings, number of legs, color, etc.)

You might also check out Gardening FAQs for an answer to your question

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