Morris County Freeholder Board to Meet on Wednesday, Nov. 7

Published on November 05, 2018

Open Space Recommendations and Veterans Event on Tap

The Morris County Board of Freeholders will meet in Morristown this Wednesday afternoon and evening, Nov. 7, for their bi-monthly work session and public meeting, with open space preservation and an award ceremony for military veterans on their agendas.

At the 4:30 p.m. work session, the county's Open Space Committee will culminate months of research, review and discussions with a presentation of their recommendations to the Freeholder Board for the 2018 round of county open space preservation grants.

At the 7 p.m. public meeting, the board will hold its annual Veterans Day event, with a ceremony honoring eight military veterans from across the county with special county medals as a thank you for their service.

The board of freeholders meets twice monthly, usually on the afternoon and evening of the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, at the County Administration and Records Building located at 10 Court Street in Morristown.

Both meeting are open to the public. Public comment, however, only is accepted at the 7 p.m. public meetings. All county residents are welcome to attend either session.

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