Morris County Clerk's Office Initiates Property Alert Service
Published on February 06, 2017
In an effort to help protect public property records from being stolen, and to make sure the public is aware if someone tampers with your documents or identity, the Morris County Clerk's Office has developed a Property Alert Service'' to help safeguard your records.
(JPG, 114KB) Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi
Unfortunately, property and mortgage fraud is a fast growing crime in our nation, and Morris County is not immune to it,'' said Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi. Scammers record fraudulent documents, such as fake deeds, or record fake liens against property owners, who in some cases do not learn of the taint against their records for years.''
To address these concerns, the County Clerk's Office is offering the new Property Alert Service free of charge to notify you immediately via email whenever a document that contains your name is filed or recorded in the County Clerk's Office.
(JPG, 5KB)
Users also may provide the County Clerk's Office with a municipality, block and lot number of a specific property they wish to put on this new notification system. It will be a valuable tool for county residents who have elderly parents or siblings whose documents and identity that they want to protect.
For more information about how this new fraud protection service, including a detailed Question and Answer section, and how to easily register for this beneficial service, visit the Morris County Clerk's Website or call 973-285-6059.