Morris County 4-H Fair Kicks Off Next Thursday

Published on July 01, 2019

Animal, Games, Entertainment, Fireworks are Lined Up for the 4-Day Fair

Summer fun kicks off at the Morris County 4-H Fair at Chubb Park in Chester next week, from July 18-21.

Fair hours are 4 to 10 p.m. on Thursday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Download the daily schedule here. Admission is free, but a parking donation of $5 per vehicle is requested. Friday evening, parking donation request is $10 to cover the cost of fireworks.

Girl with prize winning hen

A wide variety of activities are lined up, including pony and hay rides, watermelon eating and cake decorating contests, demonstrations by nonprofits and youth groups, Dress-a-Pet and Dress-a-Cage contests, Cow Pie Bingo, woodcarving demonstrations, archery, dunk tank, games, live entertainment and food concessions. Animal displays include dogs, horses, goats, poultry, rabbits, and other small animals.

A special $15 pay-one-price for all kiddie rides is scheduled for Friday from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m., and a $30 pay-one-price for all amusement rides will be offered on Thursday from 6 to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

4-H logoThursday night will officially start the Fair with the Parade of Clubs and a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Friday will feature fireworks, after the 4-H Graduation Ceremony, and 4-H Talent Show.

Highlights on Saturday include the popular goat races, Canine Nosework Demonstration and Sled Dog Demonstration. Fairgoers can take hot air balloon rides from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. for $10, weather permitting.

Sunday highlights include the Radical RC 4-H Racers, open pet show and the 4-H Awards Ceremony.

Dogs may be brought to the Fair on a 6-foot leash. Retractable leashes are not permitted.

The Fair is sponsored by the Morris County 4-H Association in support of the 4-H Youth Development Program of Rutgers Cooperative Extension.

For more information about the Fair, 4-H clubs, or becoming a 4-H volunteer, visit the 4-H website at or contact the 4-H office (973) 285-8301 or email

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