Historic Speedwell to Benefit from "5 Percent Day'' at Whole Foods next Tuesday

Published on January 04, 2017

Whole Foods Markets to donates 5 percent of all sales to benefit county historic site on Tuesday, Jan. 10

You can help support the Morris County Park Commission's Historic Speedwell by shopping at Whole Foods Markets in Morristown and Madison on Tuesday, Jan. 10, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. For every purchase made, Whole Foods Market will donate 5 percent of sales to Historic Speedwell.

According to Margie West, Whole Foods' Regional Marketing Manager, Whole Foods Market is pleased to partner with Historic Speedwell, as our organizations share many of the same core values. With Speedwell's focus on food and cooking education, supporting this organization is a perfect partnership.

Manager of the Park Commission's Historic Sites, Mark Sutherland, added, Historic Speedwell's 2017 food and cooking programs highlight the historic perspective on growing, harvesting, and preparing food in the 19th century. The programs take the next logical step by then comparing and contrasting historic methods to current practices.

Historic Speedwell

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"These programs are offered to the general public, scout groups, private and public school classes, and as of 2016 were offered to home-school students and their families.

Historic Speedwell is known as "birthplace of the telegraph,'' and was a titan of progress and innovation during the 19th century Industrial Revolution. Located in the heart of Morristown, Historic Speedwell is a National Historic Landmark site that offers unique public programs, historical tours, and events for all ages.

For more information, visit morrisparks.net or call 973.326.7600.

5 Percent Day Whole Foods Market locations: Whole Foods Market Morristown, 110 Washington Street, and Whole Foods Madison, 222 Main Street.

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