Gov. Christie to Address "Do No Harm'' Opiate Forum for Physicians and Healthcare Providers

Published on June 07, 2017


A symposium for the medical community on the epidemic of prescription drug abuse and professional responsibilities in prescribing and monitoring patients' use of these medications will be held on Monday, June 12, at the Morristown Medical Center.

Gov. Chris Christie will address the medical community at this forum.(JPG, 92KB)

Other featured presenters will include:

  • Morris County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brad Seabury;
  • Drug Enforcement Administration Assistant Special Agent in Charge Christopher Jakim;
  • Dr. Lewis Nelson, Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rutgers New Jersey School of Medicine;
  • Matthew R. Wetzel, Assistant Deputy Director, Division of Consumer Affairs, N.J. Office of the Attorney General;
  • Andrew E. Blustein, Partner/Director, Garfunkel Wild, P.C. Attorney at Law, as key presenters.

Organizers suggest that attendees should include: CDS licensed healthcare providers, family practice physicians, emergency room physicians, pain management physician assistants, podiatrists, physicians in hospital, clinic, or private practice setting;
and all other medical professionals.

There is limited seating, so you are urged to register to attend this free event as soon as possible. Attendees will receive CME accreditation free of charge.

Objectives of the event include:

  • Describe the prescription drug and opiate abuse epidemic in your community
  • Identify ways to improve your practice to prevent prescription drug abuse among your patients
  • Discuss the link between prescription drug abuse and heroin abuse
  • Address the epidemic of prescription drug abuse and the rising levels of heroin abuse and deaths
  • Explore safer prescribing practices

Morristown Medical Center -Atlantic Health System
100 Madison Ave, Morristown, NJ 07960

To register, or for additional information visit

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