Family Promise Makes Big Impact on Lives of Residents Experiencing Homelessness in Morris County

Published on November 14, 2017

Family Promise logoFamily Promise of Morris County is celebrating November as Homelessness Awareness Month, and received a proclamation from Assemblyman Anthony Bucco acknowledging the organization's work to end homelessness in Morris County.

At the request of Assemblyman Anthony Bucco, the proclamation is bestowed to commemorate Homeless Awareness month, raise awareness of the issue and to recognize Family Promise for its positive contributions to the county it's residents.

The recognition of National Homeless Awareness month provides an opportunity for us to tell the story of each and every person we help and the impact that has on our community, said Joann Bjornson, Executive Director, Family Promise of Morris County. Regardless of age, race or religion, we work to ensure dignity and a path to self-sufficiency is provided to all those who seek it. I have to thank our volunteers and community members who give their time, talent and resources to support our shared mission of ending homelessness.

Family Promise volunteers serving lasagna dinner

In 2016 Family Promise of Morris County mobilized a volunteer workforce of over 1600 from 76 congregations to provide services to the county's most vulnerable citizens with funding from grants, foundations and primarily private donors. 93% of FPMC donations go directly to support families in programs.

Last year, The Family Promise of Morris County organization provided:

  • 4,438 bed nights
  • A 94% Success rate of clients getting and keeping housing
  • Provided over 6,000 hours of Case Management
  • Through Our Promise Drop-In Center we served 667 individuals and managed over 6,000 pieces of mail.
  • Our Keys to Housing Program has permanently placed 17 families, with 7 more currently in process of obtaining homes through successful application of voucher programs.

Family Promise member reading to a small child

About Family Promise of Morris County

Family Promise of Morris County is a non-sectarian, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ending the crisis of homelessness faced by Morris County residents by partnering with other public and private agencies, religious congregations and community volunteers to provide shelter, case management and mentoring services leading to self-sufficiency.

To learn more about Family Promise FPMC, please visit

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