CCM's Best of the Best Exhibition on Display Through Thursday
Published on May 06, 2019
Show Focuses on Inter-Departmental Collaborations
The Best of the Best Exhibition, a collection of collaborative works created by 51 students from the County College of Morris, will be on display in the CCM Art and Design Gallery in the Sherman H. Masten Learning Resource Center, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph. The show runs through Thursday, June 6, with gallery hours operating from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Special events taking place through the exhibition run include the Best of the Best reception on Thursday, May 9, from 5-7 p.m. The gallery and the special events for the Best of the Best exhibition are free and open to the public.
A unique and new addition to the exhibition are the interdisciplinary collaborations from all the CCM schools, which include the School of Liberal Arts, the School of Health Professions and Natural Science and the School of Professional Studies and Applied Sciences. Twelve works are featured in the Best of the Best Exhibition.
With guidance and support from 15 professors, the collaborations allowed students to learn about other disciplines, while creating works in an experiential environment, remarks Hrvoje Slovenc, CCM assistant professor of Art and Design, and gallery director.
Some of the works featured include an Instagram feed for the Washington's Headquarters Museum, a collaborative project created by the Photography 1 course and US History 1 course; the Chemistry and Biology department and the Engineering Technologies and Engineering Science departments collaboration of a 3D print of a fingerprint; a precision platformer game made in the Game Programming course; 3D prints made in Game Design Concept course; and videos made in Multimedia 1 and Digital Media Production courses. Several students from the Landscape and Horticultural Technology department have designs made in the Herbaceous Plant course. Also included in the exhibition are works in photography, poetry, video and graphic design.
To learn about the courses offered at CCM, visit