If I lose or damage my EBT card, how can I get a new one?
First, call 1-800-977-333 to cancel your current card. We can’t issue a new card to you until you cancel your current one.
After you cancel your card, email otaebt@co.morris.nj.us. Include your name and case number, and state that you need a new EBT card.
I’m not available during my scheduled interview time. Can I reschedule?
Please try to keep your appointment.
However, if you aren’t able to keep your appointment for any reason, we’ll reschedule it for you.
If you are currently receiving benefits, you’ll receive a notice of expiration with a date and time to re-certify your case. Make sure to schedule your appointment before that date!
Call 973-326-7800 to reschedule.
We receive a lot of phone calls, so you might not get a live person to speak with.
Leave a message to reschedule your appointment. Please leave your name and case number on the message.
I’m already receiving benefits from another county or state. Can I apply for benefits in Morris County?
If you have active benefits in another county/state outside of Morris County, NJ, you must contact that benefits office and close those benefits before applying with us.
When will my case be processed? When will I get my benefits?
It can take up to 30 days from either:
- The date you apply online, or
- The date the agency receives your signed, completed application, if you filled out a paper application.
How can I check on the status of my case?
If you applied online, you can check your status at mynjhelps.gov. Enter your login information or confirmation number to check your status.
If you applied over the phone or in person, you can call our office at 973-326-7800 to check your status. We have very long wait times, so please leave a message with your name, case number, and brief description of your question. Please be patient and allow 48 business hours for a response before calling again.
If possible, apply online – you’ll be able to keep track of your status more easily.
Why have my benefits been cut or reduced?
There are many reasons why your benefits may change, including:
- A change in your household size
- A change in your income
- This includes receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI), and/or unemployment benefits
- A change in housing costs
You’ll receive a notice with an explanation of benefit changes in the mail. If you have any questions about these changes, contact us at 973-326-7800.
I just called and was instructed to leave a message. When will you call me back?
There’s a very high volume of incoming calls.
Before calling, please read this page carefully to see if we’ve already answered your questions!
If you need to call, leave a message with your case number, your name, and a brief description of why you are calling.
Please be patient and allow 48 business hours for a response before calling again. (Our offices are open from 8:30am – 4:30pm.)
Calls are returned in the order in which they are received.