Outreach Programs
To expand the training provided to the fire and emergency service community, Outreach Programs are available. These programs do not replace the normal schedule of training offered at the Academy, but will focus on presenting relevant subjects at your department’s headquarters.
Since 1998 the Fire Division has delivered numerous programs as part of the Outreach Program. The goal of this program is to focus and tailor the delivery of the course and provide fire service training to an expanded number of students.
Topics can be tailored specifically to your department’s needs, and vary in nature from a general introductory type of presentation to one that is very specific in nature. Regulatory compliance courses are also available to enhance your department’s safety process. Again the emphasis being to reach a broader base of the fire service community. Typical offerings might include:
- Decontamination (Definitive and Gross)
- Traffic Incident Management
- Harness
- Quint Training
- Firefighter Assistance Search Teams
- NFA Incident Safety Officer
- Regulatory Compliant Training
- CBRNE / WMD Refreshers
- CBRNE / WMD Awareness and Operations
- Haz-Mat Awareness and Operations and the Refreshers
- Foam Operations
- Pump Operations
- NFA – Strategy & Tactics
- NFA – Building Construction
Activities will be conducted at your location providing that the facilities and equipment meet the acceptable standard for classroom presentations. Student seating, audio visual equipment, blackboards / whiteboards and air quality are some site requirements that must be satisfied.
Will be provided by the Academy and based on the number of attendees and topic of instruction.
Scheduling is arranged by the individual department and is subject to the availability of Academy staff. Written requests must be submitted 60 days prior to the beginning of class sessions. Please use the Academy Outreach Program Request Form. Upon the selection of instructors, the Academy will send a confirmation letter or email to the department.
Point of Contact
To apply, fill out the Outreach Program Request Form. Contact the Fire Training Coordinator at 973-285-2944 for further registration procedures.