Prosecutor donates $10,000 to fight drug abuse

Published on June 20, 2017

The Morris County Prosecutor's Office on Monday donated $10,000 to help those working to steer drug-troubled individuals into treatment.

The $10,000 check was presented by Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp to the Morris Center for Addiction Recovery Education & Success (CARES) at the organization's monthly volunteer breakfast in Rockaway Borough.


The money, which comes from the county's drug forfeiture fund, will be used to train Peer Recovery Specialists. Under the county's recently-begun Narcan 2.0 program, the specialists are summoned whenever the drug Narcan is used to reverse a possible opioid overdose. The specialists work to convince the individual to seek treatment.

The Narcan 2.0 program, which was initiated last month by Prosecutor Knapp, is designed to give people saved by Narcan a second chance at life.

Knapp noted that the number of Americans who died last year because of opioid addiction surpassed the estimated 58,500 Americans killed in the Vietnam War. The prosecutor stressed that law enforcement alone is not going to solve this epidemic.

Monday's breakfast exemplified the approach that is needed. On hand were representatives from law enforcement, area hospitals, CARES volunteers and family members of those impacted by opioid addiction.

Everyone working together, that is how we're going to beat this, said Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brad Seabury, head of the Prosecutor's Office Special Operations Division.

For more information, contact Public Information Officer Fred Snowflack at pressinquiry@co, or (973) 829-8159.