Prosecutor Knapp and Chief Assistant Prosecutor Seabury Joined Morris ACEPC, Morris County Sheriff's Office, Hanover Township Police Department, and East Hanover Police Department for "Master Class"

Published on February 15, 2018

On February 13, Morris County Prosecutor Fredric Knapp and Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brad Seabury joined the Morris Area Coalition for Education and Positive Choices (Morris ACEPC), the Morris County Sheriff's Office, the Hanover Township Police Department, and the East Hanover Police Department for an educational Master Class concerning substance abuse at Memorial Junior Middle School in Whippany.

The program was organized by Morris ACEPC Chairman Ace Gallagher, who spoke about substance abuse, as well as the need to educate the community on this topic.

Patrolman Eric Prach of the Hanover Township Police Department discussed the issue of vaping, a form of electronic cigarettes. Vaping, a health hazard, has spread rapidly throughout high schools. Unfortunately, many teenagers use these vaporizer pens without acknowledging the harmful repercussions that can come from them.


Prosecutor Knapp then focused on the Opioid Epidemic, and the impact that it has had in Morris County. Chief Assistant Prosecutor Seabury discussed how Fentanyl has become a major aspect of the Opioid Crisis and gave a detailed program covering this deadly opioid.


Sheriff James Gannon concluded the program by speaking about some of the initiatives of the Morris County Sheriff's Office. Some of these include Hope One, the mobile recovery access vehicle, which travels twice a week around Morris County to meet with and provide support for individuals struggling with addiction.

Following the various speakers, the audience had the chance for a Q&A session, to cover any questions they had that may not have been answered throughout the night. It was an all-around educational night for those in attendance, and the MCPO thanks the community for their continued support!

Inquiries concerning this press release should be directed to Public Information Officer Peter DiGennaro at or 973-829-8159.