Prosecutor Knapp Announces Community Outreach Program for Morris County Clergy
Published on November 16, 2015
On October 20, 2015 the Morris County Prosecutor's Office held a presentation for the Morris Area Clergy Council at Saint Peter's Episcopal Church in Morristown regarding the New Jersey Attorney General's recently amended Use of Force Directive. The meeting, initiated by Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp, resulted from recent developments concerning interaction between the police and the public. The main speaker at the event was Elie Honig, the Director of Criminal Justice for the State of New Jersey.
As a follow up to the presentation, the Morris County Prosecutor's Office is expanding its existing Community Outreach Program to include all members of the Morris County clergy. Last week approximately 175 clergy members received letters from Prosecutor Knapp regarding the Community Outreach Program. According to Morris County Prosecutor Knapp, As the lead law enforcement agency in Morris County, we deal directly with the Attorney General's Office. Further, we have authority over all Morris County Police Departments. It is important for the clergy to understand the various functions that the Morris County Prosecutor's Office performs. It is our hope the clergy will convey this understanding to their parishioners.
The first meeting will be held in January of next year. At that time the Office will address issues the clergy may have and begin to schedule programs on topics of concern. There will be several seminars each year with regard to the various topics of interest. Of course, one of these topics would be the Attorney General's Amended Use of Force Directive. Other topics would include, but not be limited to, Prisoner Re-entry, Sexual Assault, Bias Crime, the Heroin and the Opiate Epidemic.
Prosecutor Knapp stated, The clergy are in a unique position to aid in facilitating a dialogue between law enforcement and the general public. It is my sincere hope that the program helps in
continuing to foster the positive relationship the Morris County Prosecutor's Office has with the community.
Any inquiries can be directed to Morris County Deputy Chief of Investigations Denise Arseneault at 973-285-6262 or