MCPO Hosts Community Festival to Combat Bias, Hate, and Violence

Published on October 12, 2022

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On Saturday, October 1, 2022, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office hosted the first annual Community Festival to Combat Bias, Hate, and Violence.  This event, which has held from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm within the Bishop Nazery Way Parking Lot in Morristown, was open to and attended by the public and various community leaders.  Free food and beverages were provided to those who visited.           

Pastor Carter provided a moving invocation to commence the event.  During the festival, primary presenters from the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, which included Supervising Assistant Prosecutor Samantha DeNegri and Sergeant Patrick LaGuerre, discussed the impact of violence on our community, combatting and reducing hate crimes, bias crimes, and the laws addressing such crimes.  Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll, Morris County Sheriff James M. Gannon, Morris County NAACP President Vanessa Brown and Rabbi Moshe Rudin also addressed attendees on these topics.

Photo depicts: [L-R: NJ Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn;  Chief Dave D’Amico, Middlesex County Corrections; MCPO Supervising Assistant Prosecutor DeNegri; MCPO First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood; Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll; Rev. Jerry M. Carter Jr., Ph.D.; Vanessa Brown, NAACP President Morris County Chapter; Sheriff James M. Gannon;  Ottawana Anderson, NAACP Morris County Chapter; Rabbi Moshe Rudin.]


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[L-R: Prosecutor Carrol and Sherriff Gannon]    


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[L-R: Ottawana Anderson, NAACP Morris County Chapter; Vanessa Brown, President NAACP Morris County Chapter; Lt. Joseph Waters, NJ OAG Community Affairs Liaison; AAG Bryn Whittle, NJ OAG Director of Community Engagement, Deputy Chief Robert Stemmer, NJ DCJ Bias Crimes Unit; Det. Shaquan Worilds, DCJ.]


Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll said, “This festival, the first of its kind in our County,    is an expansion of the MCPO’s school presentation program on these topics, in our efforts to reach and educate those of all ages and backgrounds.  It is our hope that through presentations and programs like this event, that collectively we can have a positive impact on our community and society as a whole.”                

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