Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Chief of Detectives Retires
Published on January 31, 2023
After 18 years of service in law enforcement, Chief of Detectives Christoph Kimker has announced his retirement. Morris County Prosecutor Robert J. Carroll, First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood, and Deputy Chief of Detectives Robert McNally honored Chief Kimker for his exemplary service and expressed the gratitude of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office on his last day.
Members of the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, municipal police departments, and county officials held a walk-out ceremony for Chief Kimker at the Morris County Administration Building.
Prosecutor Carroll said, “Chris Kimker has simply been an outstanding Chief of Detectives. My decision to appoint him to that position was based upon a long history of quality investigative work, integrity, and dedication that by any measure stands as a high-water mark of police professionalism. The MCPO is a better law enforcement agency because of Chris’ leadership and hard work. The Morris County Chiefs Association often remarked that any time of day or night that they called, Chris always answered - the mark of a caring and dedicated public servant. Equally important, he has been a good man and loyal friend to all of us, and will be sorely missed. We wish him the absolute best in all his future endeavors.”
First Assistant Prosecutor Calderwood said, “I have been fortunate to have been a colleague of Chief Kimker’s for almost two decades, but it has been the last two years that I have been truly honored to work beside him in Prosecutor Carroll’s administration. He has made a positive impact on the men and women of MCPO, and I thank him for all he has done over his long and productive career. I wish him the best in his retirement!”
Sheriff James Gannon said, “I first met Chief Kimker when he started in Morris County in 1992, he was an environmental specialist. We were co-workers when he joined the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office in 2004. Chris was a Lieutenant when I was elected to my first term as Morris County Sheriff. He is a great investigator and a tremendous leader, but I think his best trait is that of being a teambuilder, based on his genuineness. The synergetic relationship we enjoy in Morris County between my Office, the Prosecutor’s Office, and the Chiefs of Police is in no small way due to Chris’s kind demeanor and professional respect. We will all miss that but hope the next chapter is a great one, as it has been greatly earned!”
Mendham Township Police Chief Ross Johnson, 2023 President of the Morris County Police Chiefs Association, said, “On behalf of the Morris County Police Chiefs Association and myself, I want to wish Chief Kimker the best in his well-deserved retirement and starting the next chapter in his life. Chief Kimker has been the epitome of professionalism throughout his career, and as he has ascended the ranks in the Prosecutor’s Office. I can safely say most every Chief in our Association, including myself, has worked with Chief Kimker at some point in their career and will tell you his dedication and compassion are second to none, along with his quick wit. He will be missed and we all appreciate everything he has done for the county and assisting our departments.”
Chief Christoph Kimker Biography
Chief Christoph Kimker was raised in Mine Hill. He is an Eagle Scout and graduated from Morris Catholic High School in 1988.
He attended Seton Hall University, graduating in 1992 with a B.A. in Political Science, and a Minor in US History. In 1995, he earned an M.A. in Environmental Management from Montclair State University.
In 1992, Chris was hired by the County of Morris as an Environmental Specialist where he supervised the Environmental Services Unit. Among other responsibilities, the position included the coordination of the County Environmental Health Act (CEHA), and the Morris County Hazardous Material Team.
In October 2004, Chris was hired by the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office as a Detective, and assigned to the Major Crimes Unit and the Arson / Environmental Crimes Unit. In June 2005, he was assigned to the Specialized Crimes Division with a supplemental assignment to the Arson / Environmental Crimes Unit. In May 2006, he was assigned full time to the Arson / Environmental Crimes Unit. Between 2010 and 2014, Detective Kimker was assigned to investigate both the Arson / Environmental Crimes cases, and Major Crimes cases.
In June of 2013, Detective Kimker was promoted to Detective / Supervisor of the Arson / Environmental Crimes Unit. In June of 2014, Detective / Supervisor Kimker was transferred to the Major Crimes Unit.
In February 2015, Detective / Supervisor Kimker was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and transferred to the Specialized Crimes Division where he supervised the Division until August 2016. In August of 2016, Sergeant Kimker was transferred to supervise the Major Crimes Unit.
In April of 2017, Sergeant Kimker was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to the Specialized Crimes Division.
In August 2018, Lieutenant Kimker was promoted to the rank of Captain in charge of the Specialized Crimes Division and the Family Division.
On April 1, 2019, Captain Kimker was made Acting Chief of Detectives, and on January 24, 2021, he was sworn in as Chief of Detectives.
In addition to his regular assignments, through the course of his career, Chief Kimker served as a member on the WMD Assessment Team, previous Team Leader and member of the Crisis Negotiation Team, and the Rapid Deployment Team. He is also an Officer Firearms Instructor. Chief Kimker has completed numerous law enforcement training programs and is a member of several law enforcement organizations.
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Det. Supervisor Matthew Magnone, Prosecutor Robert Carroll, Chief Christoph Kimker, First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood, and Deputy Chief Robert McNally.
Chief Christoph Kimker (center) during his January 31, 2023 walkout.
Deputy Chief Robert McNally, Prosecutor Robert Carroll, Chief Christoph Kimker, and First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood.
Det. Supervisor Matthew Magnone presents an honorary shadowbox to Chief Christoph Kimker, joined by Prosecutor Robert Carroll and First Assistant Prosecutor Maggie Calderwood.