Morris County Prosecutor's Office Receives Re-Accreditation Award
Published on September 26, 2019
On September 25, 2019, New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) Law Enforcement Accreditation Program Director Harry Delgado delivered an official re-accreditation award to Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp at the Morris County Freeholders Meeting in Morristown. The award followed a successful accreditation assessment conducted in April 2019 when a team of assessors examined all aspects of office policies and procedures, management, operations, and support services. Initially accredited in 2013, the Morris County Prosecutor's Office has now received its second re-accreditation award, which is valid for a three (3) year period.
The NJSACOP Accreditation Program currently consists of one hundred and twelve (112) professional standards, many of which have multiple objectives. These standards address five (5) primary areas, which include Administration, Personnel, Operations, Investigative, and Arrestee functions.
The re-accreditation process involved a three (3) year in depth self-analysis of agency operations to ensure that policies and performance are current and consistent with best practices for law enforcement in the state of New Jersey. After this three (3) year period, a team of independent assessors from the NJSACOP conduct off-site and on-site audits of agency operations to validate that performance is consistent with professional standards. To become re-accredited, the assessors must approve the policies, and the agency must provide definitive proof of adherence to those policies.
Prosecutor Knapp stated, Through an independent analysis, the Morris County Prosecutor's Office has again demonstrated its excellent performance, which can be attributed to the fine men and women of the Morris County Prosecutor's Office who serve the residents of Morris County every day. I want to personally thank Agent Paul Merkler for his hard work and dedication in spearheading the re-accreditation process.
Left to Right Accreditation Program Director Harry Delgado, Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp, Agent Paul Merkler, Acting Chief Chris Kimker, First Assistant Prosecutor Tom Zelante, Chief of Staff Rocco Miscia