Morris County Prosecutor's Office Members Attend Game of Life Presentation at Dover High School

Published on March 22, 2020

March 22, 2020


On March 12, 2020, Morris County Prosecutor's Office Supervising Assistant Prosecutor LaJuan Tucker and SART/FNE Coordinator Alexis Rachel participated in the Game of Life program at Dover High School. The program was offered by Deidre's House as a way to familiarize students with different services offered not only in Dover, but throughout Morris County.

Students were presented with various mock scenarios, which describe potential difficulties a teen might face. Based upon the particular scenario, the students would navigate the room to find which agencies and/or providers could assist them with their scenario. Students whose scenarios brought them to the Morris County Prosecutor's Office table were provided with information on how the Prosecutor's Office could assist them in reporting certain crimes involving physical or sexual abuse, and what could possibly happen to them if they were accused or charged with certain crimes. SART/FNE Coordinator Rachel explained what services are available to victims of sexual assault.

Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp said Thanks to SAP Tucker and Coordinator Rachel for their outstanding work. The Morris County Prosecutor's Office greatly values Community Outreach programs such as this one, which provided extremely valuable information to our young adults.

For more on this program, visit

Inquiries concerning this press release should be directed to Public Information Officer Meghan Knab at or by phone at 973-829-8159.



Left to right: Morris County Prosecutor's Office Supervising Assistant Prosecutor LaJuan Tucker and SART/FNE Coordinator Alexis Rachel talk to an attendee at the Game of Life presentation at Dover High School.