Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brad Seabury to Hold Educational Program on Heroin and Opioid Epidemic at Mt. Lakes High School

Published on April 09, 2019

Morris County Prosecutor's Office Chief Assistant Prosecutor Brad Seabury will be holding an educational program on the Heroin and Opioid Epidemic on April 17, 2019 at Mountain Lakes High School. Also joining CAP Seabury will be Director of Prevention Services of Morris County Prevention is Key Barbara Kauffman and Peer Recovery Specialist Emily Monks. Ms. Kauffman and Ms. Monks play enormous roles in the recovery community of Morris County, and they will provide important information concerning the services provided by their organization. The program will run from 7:00pm-9:00pm. It is a free event, and all are encouraged to attend.

Chief Assistant Prosecutor Seabury has conducted the Opiates 101 presentation countless times over the past five years. His audiences vary from high school students and parents, to chiefs of police and assistant prosecutors throughout New Jersey. The one aspect of the program that remains true is Chief Assistant Seabury's passion for educating the community about the dangers the Heroin and Opioid Epidemic poses in the Morris County Community and the State of New Jersey.

The program details the various strategies employed by the Morris County Prosecutor's Office and its partners throughout the county who are dedicated to slowing down and ultimately putting a stop to the horrific effects of the Heroin and Opioid Epidemic. Following the presentation, Chief Assistant Prosecutor will be holding a question and answer session for those in attendance.


Inquiries concerning this press release should be directed to Public Information Officer Peter DiGennaro at or 973-829-8159.