Planning and Preservation

We provide staff to the Morris County Planning Board and are responsible for programs that preserve farmland, open space, historic resources, assist in the buyout of flood-prone residential properties and fund trail construction projects. We also:

  • Develop county master plan, review subdivisions of land and site plans, advise commissioners on planning matters, and provide information for individual citizens, industries, public service groups, and government officials
  • Maintain aerial photographs of the county and acts as the depository for U.S. Census data
  • Manage the various and diverse planning related programs conducted by the County



State Plan and Cross-Acceptance


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2025 Open Space Applications Available

The Morris County Office of Planning and Preservation has released the application form for the 2025 funding round of municipal/non-profit open space projects under the Morris County Preservation Trust Fund. Any of the 39 municipalities in the county and qualified non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for funding.

The 2025 open space application and list of other required application materials can be found online.

All application materials are due by4:30 PM on Thursday, June 19, 2025.

Program rules now include costs for demolition and restoration of a property (up to a maximum of 10% of the eligible land cost, or $50,000 whichever is less) as allowable costs under the program.

Please contact Barbara Murray in the Morris County Office of Planning and Preservation at (973) 829-8120 or for further information on the program or application process.

2025 Trail Construction Grant Program Workshop Presentation

The Morris County Trail Construction Grant Program Held an Application Workshop on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. For your convenience, below is the presentation. 

2025 Trail Grant Program Workshop Presentation(PDF, 11MB)

Morris County Kicks Off 10th Year of Recreational Trail Construction Grants Program

More than $1 million in grants for recreational trails is available to Morris County’s 39 municipalities through the 2025 Morris County Trail Construction Grant Program, which opened its tenth annual application process today.

An Application Workshop will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025, from 10 a.m. to noon to review the program and application process. The workshop will take place at the Morris County Park Commission Cultural Center at 300 Mendham Road in Morris Township and virtually via Webex. Please register to attend using the Registration Form.

Find the more information in the full press release here

Office of Planning Advocacy Sets Public Meetings on Draft State Plan

The New Jersey Office of Planning Advocacy, in coordination with the County of Morris, will hold a public meeting on Feb. 28, 2025, from 10 a.m. to noon regarding the draft preliminary State Development and Redevelopment Plan (State Plan) and the process by which public and private interests will be able to provide input.

The meeting will take place at the Morris County Administration & Records Building, 10 Court St., Morristown, on Floor 5 inside the County Commissioners’ public meeting room. In the event of a weather emergency, the alternate meeting date will be March 7, 2025, from 10 a.m. to noon.

Find the full press release here.

NJDEP and FEMA Release Updated Flood Risk Data for Morris County

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have released updated draft flood risk data for Morris County, providing residents and local officials with an early look at the latest flood hazard information.

The draft flood data is accessible through an online viewer.

While the viewer does not include a public comment feature, it allows users to preview updated flood risk details ahead of the preliminary maps, expected in spring 2025.

This data, part of the ongoing Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) project, reflects the latest engineering analysis of how water flows and accumulates during floods. FEMA and the NJDEP contend the updates are a critical step toward developing accurate flood maps that help communities make informed decisions to protect lives and property.

Municipalities will have additional opportunities to provide feedback before the maps are finalized by federal and state authorities. Input from the public and local officials ensures that the maps are as accurate as possible.

FEMA and NJDEP stress the importance of accurate and up-to-date flood risk data in helping communities prepare for and mitigate flooding. Both agencies encourage residents and local leaders to review the draft data and actively participate in the process to improve flood awareness and resilience.

Residents should direct their questions to FEMA, NJDEP, or their municipal offices.

For more information, visit FEMA’s Geoplatform or contact NJDEP at 877-927-6337 or FEMA Region 2 Office at 212-680-3600.

2025 Historic Preservation Grant Applications

Application forms for the 2025 grant round of the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund are now available.

Note the following schedule:


“Celebrated Past” Compendium Project Has First Anniversary

In honor of Día de Los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, the Morris County Office of Planning and Preservation acknowledged last year’s launch of an interactive ArcGIS StoryMap© of Morris County cemeteries with a trip to the Orchard Street Cemetery and Gatehouse in Dover.

The Orchard Street Cemetery Gatehouse, built around 1875, is the latest historical site to benefit from the $3.6 million in grants that were allocated from Morris County’s Preservation Trust Fund to help restore, preserve and further protect 21 historic sites in 16 towns across the county.

Read the full press release. 

Flood Mitigation Program Supports Morris County Residents

Flood Mitigation Program Supports Morris County Residents
Program Offers Options for Flood Prone Homeowners

With recent storms leaving some property owners under water again, Morris County is reminding everyone that the Morris County Flood Mitigation program has helped provide a fresh start to 86 flood prone homeowners in eight municipalities since its inception in 2012. 

The Flood Mitigation Program was established by the Morris County Board of County Commissioners in response to Hurricane Irene, which devastated sections of Morris County with catastrophic flooding in August 2011.   

“This was the first county-level flood acquisition program in New Jersey, and it has allowed Morris County to work with municipalities and other funding partners to help these homeowners get out of harm’s way.  Not only does this voluntary program help to decrease the risk of life and property being lost, but it also creates open space and provides areas to redirect flood waters in the future,” said Commissioner Stephen Shaw, liaison to the Flood Mitigation Committee.

The storm events in the past few weeks led to the worst flooding since Hurricane Irene, with rainfall amounts between 4 to over 5 inches in some parts of the county, according to the National Weather Service. Numerous towns experienced road closures and power outages, as well as flooding of homes.

The Morris County Flood Mitigation Program was established to augment state and federal mitigation programs. It was the first county flood mitigation program when it was created in 2012. Since then, it has received the “Outstanding Floodplain Management Award” from the New Jersey Association for Floodplain Management and the state Department of Environmental Protection’s “Environmental Excellence Award.”

Some aspects of the program include:

The “CORE” program is designed to catch houses that have fallen through other agency funding nets, with Morris County providing up to 75% of the acquisition cost.

The “MATCH” program provides a 25% county match for projects already underway with agencies such as FEMA and NJDEP Blue Acres, aiding in the completion of these acquisitions.

For more information on the Morris County Flood Mitigation Program visit  or reach out to Program Coordinator, Mike DiGiulio in the Morris County Office of Planning & Preservation.  

 Flood Mitigation Program Logo.jpg   

Share Your NJ Flood Story

This fall, the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and the New Jersey State Council on the Arts will be kicking off “Rising Together, NJ,” a social media campaign that encourages people to come together to share their experiences with flooding in New Jersey. Ultimately, the goal is to compile these experiences into an archive everyone can use to support flood risk outreach and education efforts.

Learn more and share your story!