Morris County Community Rating System (CRS) Users Group

National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System

The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) requirements.  Only communities that participate in the NFIP are eligible to participate in the CRS program.

Morris County encourages municipalities to participate in the NFIP’s CRS program as a means to offset some of the insurance premium cost for their residents and businesses. Morris County also seeks to promote awareness and knowledge of the NFIP CRS program among municipal officials and property owners who are ultimately responsible for the implementation of local flood hazard mitigation activities.

As part of this effort, Morris County municipalities are encouraged to participate in the Morris County CRS Users Group as a means of advancing knowledge and understanding of the NFIP CRS program.  The Users group meets 3-4 times annually to provide networking and educational opportunities for its members.

The CRS users group falls under the umbrella of the Morris County CRS Assistance Program(PDF, 93KB), which was developed as a means to provide certain professional and technical support to municipalities that are in need of such aid.

  • Next CRS Users group meeting is May 2025. For information on attending this conference call please contact Mike DiGiulio at

Municipalities with questions regarding this program and group should contact:
Mike DiGiulio, Program Coordinator

Map of CRS savings. Denville - $171,128, Lincoln Park - $423,449, Pequannock - $440,426, Riverdale - $12,098


Other CRS Users Groups in New Jersey