To: All Municipal Emergency Management Coordinators From: Major Carl A. Williams, Deputy State Director Date: January 8, 1992 Subject: Emergency Management Council Appointment Requirements
Under state and federal emergency planning requirements, every county and municipality is to appoint an emergency management council. Among other activities, the council is responsible for the development and maintenance of an emergency operations plan (EOP). It is critical that all departments participating in emergency operations are represented on the council as the development of the plan is a cooperative effort.
To ensure that councils are kept current, this office is now requiring they be reformed by a governing body resolution every two years. The resolution and revised ledger of council membership must be dated to coincide with the required submission of your jurisdiction’s emergency operations plan and included as part of the Basic Plan, Appendix 1. As minimum, all five categories listed at the bottom of the enclosed form should be represented.
Questions on council formation, membership and the resolution should be referred to your regional coordinator’s office or Mr. Peter Jesperson at 609-530-2443.
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