About Us
The Morris County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) coordinates multi-agency responses to emergencies and disasters within Morris County. It is responsible for alerting and notifying appropriate agencies when disaster strikes; coordinating all agencies that respond; ensuring resources are available and mobilized in times of disaster; developing preparedness plans and procedures for response to and recovery from disasters; and developing and providing materials for the public.
The Morris County Office of Emergency Management staffs the Emergency Operations Center (a facility which provides coordinated emergency response), and also acts as staff to the liaison to the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management.
OEM Areas of Responsibility

- Alerting and notifying appropriate agencies during emergencies and disasters.
- Ensuring resources are available and mobilized during large scale incidents.
- Developing preparedness plans and procedures for response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters.
- Developing and providing preparedness materials for the public.
- Management and oversight of the Morris County Emergency Operations Center (a facility which manages and coordinates emergency response for significant incidents.)
- Partnership with the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management.
The Morris County Office of Emergency Management also provides support for local emergency management, emergency medical services, law enforcement and fire agencies.
Available OEM Resources and Support
- Mobile Command Post
- Radio Interoperability vehicle
- Portable radios to support major events
- Incident Commanders Radio Management
- Variable Message Boards
- Mobile Scene Lighting
- Decon Trailers for fire and hazmat support
- Crowd control barricades
- Staging trailers for scene and event management across all disciplines
- Lap top computers for emergency operating center operations
- Mobile status boards for event management
- CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Trailers to support local CERT operations
- Sheltering trailers – fully equipment for long term operations
- County Animal Response Team (CART) trailers
- Firefighting support vehicles
- Emergency Quick response vehicle
- EMS Mass Care Response Unit
- EMS – Medical Ambulance Bus
- Major Incident rehab support for local fire agencies, emergency medical services, emergency management and law enforcement.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Morris County Office of Emergency Management (MCOEM) is to support our county wide emergency response partners and provide critical incident management support by delivering professional and exemplary service. MCOEM accomplishes this county-wide support specifically by:
- Providing a comprehensive and integrated emergency management system that coordinates and supports community resources to protect lives, property and the environment through mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from all natural and man-made hazards, disasters, and national security crises that may impact Morris County;
- Providing effective and professional assistance to other county departments and all Morris County Municipalities by providing guidance with emergency planning and preparation;
- Providing the highest level of emergency service(s) support to all of the emergency response disciplines;
- Providing specialized emergency medical response for our law enforcement, EMS, Fire and Hazardous Materials Response Team (HAZMAT); and,
- Providing quality educational and training programs as well as maintaining an effective Public/Private Partnership which supports a “whole community approach.”
With professionalism and honor in our work ethic, we shall strive to protect and serve with excellence and enhance the quality of life for all who reside, work, visit, or travel through the County of Morris.