Pequannock Opens Recovery Center to Deal with Opioid Epidemic
Published on January 05, 2018
The Pequannock Police Department has announced a collaboration with the Morris County Center for Addiction Recovery Education and Success (CARES) in the opening of the new Pequannock Township Pop-Up Recovery Center.
The Center, which opened on Jan. 2, will provide critical support for persons and families struggling with addiction.
The Pop-Up Recovery Center utilizes trained and certified Peer Recovery Specialists who provide recovery support services to anyone who requests it "” persons with addiction, family members, friends and coworkers.
"This is an excellent program that targets people and families in Pequannock and Morris County with addiction problems, fostering treatment and recovery, " said Morris County Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo. "It fits right into the Stigma-Free philosophy we have adopted here in Morris County to help deal with addiction and mental illness. "
The Pequannock Township Pop-Up Recovery Center is located at the First Reformed Church, 529 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains. It is open on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Anchoring the support services provided at each Pop-Up Recovery Center is an All-Recovery Meeting, which is facilitated by the Peer Recovery Specialist. (These meetings are not 12 Step meetings and have no affiliation with NA/AA.) They are based on the philosophy that people from every recovery pathway have much in common and can benefit from sharing together.
They offer a place where people can share recovery experiences, with an emphasis on the hope and healing of recovery and how recovery has changed their lives, regardless of the substance or behavior that is at the root of our addiction.
The Pequannock Township Pop-Up Recovery Center is sponsored by the Pequannock Police Department Drug Forfeiture Fund, Pequannock PBA Local 172, Pequannock Municipal Alliance, Community Partners for Hope and the First Reformed Church of Pompton Plains.
Any individuals or organizations interested in assisting or donating, please contact Lt. Michael Fairweather at 973-835-1700 ext. 159 or