Stigma Free: From Survival Mode to "Thrival" Mode- Healing from Trauma

Black mother and daughter hugging

From Atlantic Health System:

From Survival Mode to "Thrival" Mode: Healing from Trauma and Living Your Best Life

Traumatic things happen, period. Sometimes, we go into “survival mode” to get through them. This workshop will deepen your understanding of how traumatic events impact all of us: mind, body and spirit. You will come away with helpful ideas to cope with stressful and traumatic events for yourself and your loved ones. Human beings have a magnificent capacity for growth, change and healing: learn about how we can shift from surviving into thriving!

Presented by Dana Risteska, MSW, LCSW

This is a free, virtual presentation.

Register online or call 1-800-247-9580 to register.


  • Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM