Towns Invited To Learn about New Energy Efficiency Program

Published on February 07, 2011

The Morris County Improvement Authority has rescheduled to Feb. 15 a meeting with municipal officials that was snowed-out earlier this month.

Local officials who attend the informal gathering will learn about a new county-wide program in the areas of renewable and efficient energy usage, local budgetary savings and shared services.

The Energy Savings Improvement Program is designed to finance energy efficiency improvements at local government facilities throughout the county.

Freeholder Director William Chegwidden said the program would provide low cost funds to pay for energy-saving capital upgrades that have been recommended under a state energy audit program. Eligible projects may range from lighting, boiler and furnace upgrades to insulation and energy efficient appliances.

The Feb. 15 meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room on the 5th floor of the county's Administration and Records Building.

More information on the Energy Savings Improvement Program may be obtained from Morris County Administrator John Bonanni, Improvement Authority chairman, at 973-285-6047 or

Representatives from school districts in the county attended a similar information session Jan. 31.

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