Historic Preservation

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2024 Historic Preservation Grant Recommendations

On June 26, 2024, the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Review Board made the 2024 grant recommendations to the County Commissioners to fund 21 projects located in 16 municipalities for a total of $3.6 million. The Commissioners will take action on the 2024 grant recommendations at their July 10, 2024 meeting.

Please see 2024 Recommended Grants(PDF, 374KB)
2024 Presentation of Recommendations(PDF, 3MB)
Details of 2024 Recommended Grants(PDF, 882KB)

June 27, 2024 Press Release


2024 Historic Preservation Grant Applications

Application forms for the 2024 grant round of the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund are now available.

Note the following schedule:


2023 Historic Preservation Grant Awards

On July 12, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners approved $3.6 million in county grants from the county’s 2023 Preservation Trust Fund to help preserve, restore, or protect 22 historic sites in 15 towns across Morris County.

Please see 2023 Historic Preservation Grant Awards(PDF, 139KB) .


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The Morris County Board of County Commissioners created the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund (Fund) to help support the preservation of the county’s exceptional abundance of historic resources. The Fund was created after Morris County voters approved a referendum in November 2002 authorizing the Commissioners to allow historic preservation funding under the Open Space Trust Fund, as permitted under state legislation. 

The Fund considers grants for the acquisition, stabilization, rehabilitation, restoration or preservation of historic resources by municipalities, qualified non-profits and the County. All funded activities must be in conformance with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Applications for plans and reports associated with the implementation of a historic preservation project are also eligible. Historic resources must be listed, or certified as eligible for listing, on the New Jersey and National Registers of Historic Places, in order to be eligible for the program.

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