Stormwater Information
Learn about Morris County’s rules, regulations and best management practices to prevent and limit pollution to waterways.
About Stormwater Management
The Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program was developed in response to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Phase II rules published in December 1999.
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection issued final stormwater rules on February 2, 2004 and four NJPDES general permits authorizing stormwater discharges from Tier A and Tier B municipalities, as well as public complexes, and highway agencies that discharge stormwater from municipal separate storm sewers systems (MS4s). Public complexes include certain large public colleges, prisons, hospital complexes and military bases. Highway Agencies include county, state, interstate, or federal government agencies that operate highways and other thoroughfares.
For more information, visit the Municipal Stormwater Regulation Program web page.