The Morris County Court System is separate from Morris County Government. If you have any questions related to court matters please visit the links or call the numbers provided below.
For information about the upcoming Morris County Courthouse expansion, visit
Superior Court of New Jersey
County Courthouse
Washington St.
Administers all of the courts in Morris and Sussex vicinage. Supervises and manages all court matters filed and all judges and personnel having a judicial support function. Visit for more information.
Court Administrator
County Courthouse
Washington St.
862-397-5700 ext 75170
Responsible for budget development and expenditures, supervision of judicial support personnel, program development and analysis, facilities and resource management.
Jury Management
County Courthouse
Washington St.
862-397-5700 ext 75060
Issues and processes jurors’ summons, oversees daily arrival and assignment of jurors.
Law Library
Morris County Courthouse, Room 105
10 Court Street
Morristown, NJ 07963
862-397-5700 ext 75160
Library for the judiciary, prosecutors staff, attorneys and public. Contains 31,000 volumes plus current law journals. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays. Closed weekends.
Legal Aid
30 Schuyler Place
Provides legal advice and representation in such areas as custody, divorce, support, visitation, landlord/tenant, family, housing, income maintenance, contracts & collections to financially eligible county residents.
Administration & Records Building
10 Court St.
862-397-5700 ext 75567
91-93 Bassett Highway
862-397-5700 ext 75590
Assists with social rehabilitation of individuals receiving a suspended or indeterminate sentence. Divided into juvenile, adult, child support sections, and family divisions.